TasteConnection Newsletter
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A word of introduction…

A warm welcome to the latest edition of TASTENEWS, the exciting newsletter from TASTECONNECTION.

 Our aim is simple; to keep our customers informed of the latest trends in the food industry and how TasteConnection can help you address those trends.

 In this edition we will be introducing you to another member of our team.

 If you have any feedback for us, or issues you would like us to cover in future editions please drop us a line and let us know.


Jack Eskins

Continuing our introduction to some of the team here at TasteConnection, in this edition we feature Jack Eskins.

Jack is a Flavour Development Assistant for TasteConnection.

At work I spend most of my time developing new innovative seasonings to be applied onto snack products such as crisps, tortillas and popcorn.

I am currently gaining experience in development of speciality ingredients which make many of our seasonings unique. I also create food application presentations, illustrating new products such as dried cheeses, natural extracts designed for use in sauces, snack foods, and dairy products etc.

Outside of work I enjoy playing and watching football and skiing. I also have a passion for food and enjoy experimenting in the kitchen creating dinner party dishes. I love chillies and all things spicy as well as tackling enormous steaks.

I also enjoy socialising with friends at my local.

In the next edition we will be looking at the BBQ trends for 2015.  For more information about what we do or to view previous editions of Taste News please go to our website www.tasteconnection.com.

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We hope that you have enjoyed this edition of

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help your business, please get in touch.01453 844868







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